Marx Girl T L Swan Read Online

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Dilek VT
January 30, 2018 rated it it was ok
I was looking forward to the release twenty-four hours of this book merely sadly, I didn't like it, at all. It wasn't what I expected; on the contrary, it had many things I dislike in my romance novels.

I wanted to drop it more than than a hundred times but I managed not to.


A quick review of plot:

Oh, just a moment... before the plot, can I just say how much I hated their chemistry?

For example, the number of times she worships his c*ck made me want to throw upward.

Oh it is th

I was looking forrard to the release day of this book but sadly, I didn't like information technology, at all. It wasn't what I expected; on the contrary, information technology had many things I dislike in my romance novels.

I wanted to drop it more than a hundred times just I managed non to.


A quick review of plot:

Oh, just a moment... before the plot, can I just say how much I hated their chemistry?

For instance, the number of times she worships his c*ck made me want to throw up.

Oh it is thick,
Oh it is big,
Oh it is so beautiful,
Oh information technology is perfect…

Rewind - Repeat!

Just unbearable!

And the way he orders her during sex made me want to kick him in the a*due south.

Oh but she liked it. And when she felt guilty, she fifty-fifty begged for "very rough" penalization. So I wanted to kicking her in the a*southward, as well.

He was eager to go rough all the time, anyways! Shortly, I hated all their intimate scenes!

"On your easily and knees… now!" he orders, and she shakes her a*due south similar a happy puppy.

Nope, non my cuppa.

OK, I'm sure you get the flick and at present I am back to the quick review of the plot:

Ben and Bridget accept a curt affair in the by, they autumn in love with each other, and then he leaves her, proverb he has to but with no other explanation.


Our hero, Ben, only appears 5 years subsequently when he learns that Bridget has a serious human relationship with a guy.

He says he needs another chance.
He says he wants her back.

And she is back in his bed in two days, without getting an explanation as to why he left her 5 years ago.


Come on, tell her a valid reason…
Nope, nix, nada!
No groveling at all.

He just says crap like "she is his girl and she has always been his girl – blah bla".

And because his body is gorgeous and his thing is then very perfect, she cannot say no.

And I am near to hurt myself!!!

The swain drama doesn't last long. She has an argument with him almost Ben and and then she ditches him. (Actually, he really acts similar a jerk, as well.)

Oh, but she feels embarrassed that she moves on and so quickly, and therefore, they lay low for a while, hiding it from family and friends.


The secrets well-nigh his by

The more Bridget asks Ben about the past and why he left her, the more he gets angry and they fight. Bridget only learns about his by accidentally then, she asks for a detailed explanation, which he finally gives.

Shock shock shock, of grade!
She gets mad, and then cold/ hot/cold/hot…


Romance turns into a thriller mixed with some military activeness!

When they come back together for good, the author decides to add together a new genre to the book and it turns into a spy/soldier story with some action in it.

Saving the state, saving the innocent, blah bla!
Some drama, and some more drama!

Me bored, me not interested, me still disliking both characters and their story…


There is a HEA – union & babies and all. Not that I care! Sorry :(



No cheating when they give each other a 2nd chance just neither of them is celibate during the v-year interruption-upwardly.


Writing – non my cuppa:

If you ask me, it is bad.

- Non captivating, simply dragging

- Repetition of the same/similar dialogues and definitons

- Dual point of view and I don't have whatever god damn thought why all Ben's chapters were written in bold. Wasn't the name BEN at the beginning of the chapter definitive plenty? Are we readers so impaired?

Characters – not my cuppa:

- Heroine:

A weak heroine who goes all mush when she sees or thinks near the hero'southward big d*ck! She doesn't apply her brain much, her hormones make her decisions. She doesn't have much self-respect.

Even her friend agrees with me:

"He ripped your heart out and stomped on it, then he comes back, and in ii days you're on your damn back. What the hell, Bridget?"
I know." I wince. "It sounds bad when you say it similar that ."
"Similar what? The truth?"

- A weird cocktail of a hero:

A pinch of as*holeness, a spoon of alpha-maleness, 5 mg of cockiness, another pinch of bad boy aureola with the rough and dominant attitude in bed, 50 grams of a dangerous and mysterious human, twenty g of a hitman – a sniper, and 50 grams of a heroic soldier saving lives and getting a medal… oh and a spoonful of a sad orphan back story.

At present mix them all in ane gorgeous body with a big d*ck, and you take our hero, Ben Statham!

I guess, sadly, I only liked the embrace of the book!

P.S. Hey, please read more than reviews as information technology may exist me, non the book - I really don't know. It just wasn't for me.

I need my chocolate care for now! A lot of it!

Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️
DNF @ 56%

I just tin can't bring myself to cease this one.

The surprise military/super-spy chemical element here was only too cheesy and poorly done. Honestly, if Ben actually was the badass we are TOLD he is in this book, it'due south a mystery how he managed to survive this long what with how fucking impaired he is. Or maybe the baddies afterward him are only numerous fries short of a McDonald's Happy Repast.

I mean for real though.

So, so bad.

Which is crazy considering how much I have enjoyed other books past this author. 1000

DNF @ 56%

I just can't bring myself to finish this one.

The surprise military/super-spy element here was only also cheesy and poorly done. Honestly, if Ben really was the badass we are TOLD he is in this book, it'south a mystery how he managed to survive this long what with how fucking impaired he is. Or maybe the baddies afterward him are simply numerous fries curt of a McDonald's Happy Meal.

I mean for existent though.

Then, and then bad.

Which is crazy because how much I have enjoyed other books past this author. Maybe it's time to read something else before attempting another Swan book. Later all, since "discovering" her terminal week, I've binged on five books by her in a row...might be time to accept a break.

After all, as well much of annihilation is never good...

...more than
The Sassy Bookworm


descriptionI enjoyed this 1. It started off in one management and so turned into something I wasn't expecting. Which wasn't a bad matter at all. It fabricated me I laugh. It fabricated me cry. It made me smile. It made me want to pharynx dial people. What more can yous ask for?


~WRITING - PLOT - Footstep~
The writing was quite expert. The pace was perfect. The plot was engaging and kept me turning the pages. The mystery attribute was also very interesting. Like I mentioned above, this book started off in one direction and thursday



descriptionI enjoyed this one. Information technology started off in one direction then turned into something I wasn't expecting. Which wasn't a bad affair at all. It fabricated me I laugh. It made me cry. It made me smile. It fabricated me want to throat punch people. What more than tin you ask for?


~WRITING - PLOT - Stride~
The writing was quite skilful. The pace was perfect. The plot was engaging and kept me turning the pages. The mystery aspect was also very interesting. Like I mentioned above, this book started off in one management so at forty% took a turn I wasn't expecting. That wasn't a bad thing at all. More a "whoa, didn't see that coming?" I remember personally I would have liked for us to get to that 40% "twist" maybe a little before as the first xl% had a lot of odd, and (IMO) unnecessary other man drama in the form of Eric. Which leads me to the other issue I had. ERIC. His graphic symbol and the whole "I am investigating Joshua and Ben for murder" is sort of just dropped. Never to be heard from once again. Considering the last we hear about him he is trying to "weasel" his way dorsum into Bridget's skillful graces 1 would have thought we would have at least got some sort of closure with him. *shrug*

BEN...I liked him. He could exist a little bipolar at times. But he was sexual practice on a stick (with an accent). Blastoff. Bada$$. Decumbent to yelling outbursts. Loved rough sexual practice. Unfortunately, the author also decided to go with the tired cliché manwhore background. Which I usually don't become too bothered by when a couple is broken upward. That said, please DO Non try to sell me a sob story from the hero about how VERY much he loved the heroine. Missed the heroine. Kept tabs on the heroine. Thought of the heroine while he was doing other women <-- seriously? That is Non romantic authors. Information technology's disrespectful to both the heroine AND the poor OW he used and tossed aside like dirty kleenexes! OK, off my discourse...

BRIDGET...Hmmm, what to say...what to say. I didn't hate her. I would go as far every bit to say I liked her. Only not every bit much every bit Ben. Her grapheme (like Ben) suffered from bipolar disorder (non technically). I honey him. I hate him. I don't want him. I tin't stay away from him. Eric'due south a jerk. I feel guilty nearly Eric. Yadda...yadda...yadda. I will say after she got her head out of her a$$ she became much more likable and my heart bankrupt for her almost the end.

There was a fantastic grouping of secondary characters in the book. Some from previous books and some that are new (I presume). My spidey senses tell me that maybe there is a series in the works for the guys joining Bridget's brother at Marx Security. I hope and so in any case.


~Oestrus LEVEL~
Medium to high. The sex scenes were hot and plentiful. I would accept liked to have seen some softer sexual activity scenes in the mix. Most of the time these two were going at information technology like angry battering rams. Which is fine when y'all are twenty-vii simply the chick is going to have a broken hip if he is still doing her that manner at eighty (lol).

~Malaise LEVEL~
High. Honestly, these 2 did my head IN. The push button and pull. Dorsum and forth. I love you lot. I detest you. I am leaving you. I am dorsum. I am leaving over again. Oy vay...Advice PEOPLE! There was also OW drama in this one that was in one case over again pointless. Pb nowhere and caused ZERO bug. That said, information technology wasn't overly bad nor did information technology overly bother me. Both the hero and heroine slept with others the 5 years they are apart. Considering the hero's friends thought the WHOOPING two months he had been chaste before coming back for the heroine was a heed-boggling feat I tin only imagine he was an uber whore the unabridged time they were separated. I already mentioned my issue with this scenario under the HERO section, so I won't repeat myself. Suffice information technology to say I hate that whole "I take always loved yous but I screwed 5000000000 women while we were apart." There was as well OM drama in the form of Eric who was Bridget's fellow when the hero shows support. I felt a bit sad for the guy honestly. No adulterous though every bit I am pretty sure they are broken up before she is with the hero again.

It was good. I enjoyed information technology. Information technology held my attending from beginning to the terminate. Even with the footling annoyances I never felt like throwing in the towel. I'll be keeping my eye out to see if some secondary characters volition be getting books. Yours truly is giving this 1 two thumbs upwardly.description


description description description description description description

➳A story that filled my heart with everything that is an emotional wreck with the mixture of a possessive alpha male that has you trolling for more...

➳When it comes downward to possessive alpha male characters, I am a goner for sure! Peculiarly if it's part of a forbidden romance story. One in which has a by history between both characters that have an amazing attraction towards each other. After some fourth dimension autonomously, Bridget and Ben hav both goes through episodes in their lives that have separated

➳A story that filled my centre with everything that is an emotional wreck with the mixture of a possessive blastoff male that has you trolling for more...

➳When it comes down to possessive alpha male characters, I am a goner for sure! Specially if it's part of a forbidden romance story. One in which has a by history between both characters that have an astonishing attraction towards each other. Afterward some fourth dimension autonomously, Bridget and Ben hav both goes through episodes in their lives that take separated them only made them miss each other fifty-fifty more. Two individuals that truly love each other conquer obstacles after reuniting once once again that has them both questioning their motives and their mindsets.

➳Though the platonic materialism story plot of knowing each other emotionally is at that place, both, Ben and Bridget need to larn more than virtually each from the time they take missed when Ben was gone for some mysterious reason. (I won't say since it's a spoiler.) To me I establish this love story very angsty, and knowing my type of reading, I am non the biggest fan of angsty romances. I wish TL Swan would accept just gotten to the point of the story, instead of revolving around the thought of "secrets" and "mysterious" story plots. Overall though I did enjoy this novel. It made me shed some tears here and there, but tears that definitely took my heart.

➳ARC kindly provided by author and publisher in exchange for an honest review...

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Olga therebelreader
A fabulous read that I did not put downward; information technology grabbed me from folio one, threw me in the emotional wringer and refused to permit get until the very last give-and-take.

This book is very steamy. The dearest scenes are hot. Ben is very possessive of his woman. His caveman/alpha male instincts exude sexiness, if that'south your blazon of thing. Bated from the steaminess, there is a lot of action in this volume, specially at the end.

Marx Girl has everything a romantic suspense fan tin hope for; heart-pause, humor, action,

A fabulous read that I did non put downwards; it grabbed me from page one, threw me in the emotional wringer and refused to let go until the very last word.

This book is very steamy. The love scenes are hot. Ben is very possessive of his woman. His caveman/blastoff male person instincts exude sexiness, if that's your type of thing. Aside from the steaminess, in that location is a lot of action in this book, especially at the end.

Marx Daughter has everything a romantic suspense fan tin can promise for; heart-suspension, humor, activity, passion, romance, sex, intrigue, forth with a tortured badass hero who displays little to no fear and demonstrates a strong sense of soldier responsibility, and a feisty heroine who loves her human, but she's also independent and can manage on her own.

I laughed, I cried, I got all hot and bothered; this novel covers all the emotional range. The pages were chock with the sexual tension betwixt Bridget and Ben. Ben has a lot of inner-demons to face and Bridget doesn't understand why he won't let her in. I loved this book. I loved the set-up, the characters, the writing. Information technology was full of realistic action and I highly recommend it.

In short:
Hero v/5 | Heroine 5/five | Plot (Signal, Originality) iv/five | Writing Style 4/5 | Steam five/5 | Romance five/5 | Malaise-Suspense 4/5 | Darkness 1/5 | Humor 3/5 | Secondary Characters iv/v | Drama-Conflict 4/5 | Mystery 0/5 | Twists iv/5 | Pacing Steady | Action 4/5

ARC kindly provided in substitution for an honest review.

Aug 05, 2021 rated it information technology was ok
ii stars for the chemistry between the hero and heroine. Their passion was 🔥 .... just the storyline was wearisome unfortunately.and somewhat as well fake with all the spy jobs and secret services. I couldn't finish the book, and didn't intendance enough to meet how it ends. 2 stars for the chemistry between the hero and heroine. Their passion was 🔥 .... only the storyline was tedious unfortunately.and somewhat also faux with all the spy jobs and hugger-mugger services. I couldn't finish the book, and didn't care enough to see how information technology ends. ...more than
1-Click Addict Support Group
PANTY MELTING HOT!! Throughout this book my thighs had a workout like never before!!
Bridget's secret love matter with Ben was HOT, HOT, HOT!!! Despite the time they were apart the sparks and chemistry is nevertheless there and I felt information technology more intense!

Ben was always cryptic of why he left Bridget only the fourth dimension came that he no longer was able to hide that considering she in avertedly became involved.

Their story had me on pins and needles and had my attending until the very end. Bridget'southward feisty, I don't give

PANTY MELTING HOT!! Throughout this book my thighs had a workout like never before!!
Bridget's clandestine honey affair with Ben was HOT, HOT, HOT!!! Despite the time they were apart the sparks and chemistry is still there and I felt information technology more intense!

Ben was ever cryptic of why he left Bridget simply the fourth dimension came that he no longer was able to hide that because she in avertedly became involved.

Their story had me on pins and needles and had my attention until the very end. Bridget's feisty, I don't give a f*ck attitude and Ben'due south dingy talking had me blazing hot!! Be ready to seek relief later on. Kara~5 Stars

"Mmm," he moans as he circles deeper. "This beautiful cunt of yours is dripping moisture."😉

Jun 30, 2019 rated it actually liked information technology
four.25 Dusk Till Dawn Stars

Ane thing I've leaned about this writer, despite some past editing/formatting bug, and slight discrepancies in this one—her stories entertain me! This one really moved me to tears, with a few good laughs, as well! I actually felt the connectedness betwixt Ben and Bridget, they were passionate, but as well had a bond that strongly resonated with me.

I have a weakness for the potent silent type, and also for armed forces men, so Ben checked off all my boxes! Loved Bridget'south moxi

four.25 Sunset Till Dawn Stars

1 thing I've leaned about this writer, despite some past editing/formatting bug, and slight discrepancies in this one—her stories entertain me! This one really moved me to tears, with a few proficient laughs, also! I really felt the connection betwixt Ben and Bridget, they were passionate, just also had a bond that strongly resonated with me.

I have a weakness for the strong silent type, and also for armed services men, then Ben checked off all my boxes! Loved Bridget'due south moxie, and how she followed her heart with Ben, and didn't let his by or luggage win!
Onto Brock's story, "Gym Junkie," now!

Pelusa Rivera
Received an ARC at no cost to writer. .. well folks I am in the minority here, but you lot know what I am fine with that I was never one to follow the crowd, I did not dearest this like at all. I found Ben to be a insensitive jerk, who has screwed all around the world for over 5 years but when he is warned that the girl he supposedly loved has finally constitute someone she can be happy with he decides he wants her dorsum?? What, now now!! Oh hell no. And stupid Bridget who has a skilful guy (yes he was stupid west Received an ARC at no cost to writer. .. well folks I am in the minority here, merely yous know what I am fine with that I was never ane to follow the crowd, I did not love this like at all. I found Ben to be a insensitive jerk, who has screwed all around the world for over 5 years but when he is warned that the girl he supposedly loved has finally establish someone she can exist happy with he decides he wants her back?? What, at present now!! Oh hell no. And stupid Bridget who has a good guy (yes he was stupid with his jealousy) but you know what she fed right into it, because she immediately broke upward with him and fell into bed with Ben, I appreciated Adrian for telling her the truth, not that she really cared. Then nosotros she finds out his secrets, when she should stand by him, she doesnt.. just please!! Ben left quickly enough and here he loves her and then much that he was almost to jump in the bed with the first chick who hits on him..he was caught that was the only reason he didnt... but can u feel the honey...nope ...more than
No rating

I got thru, barely, 25% and had to cease....information technology only wasn't to my liking at all:( I really enjoyed another volume from this writer but this was not for me from the writing, the storyline (could have been better) to the characters, etc..... it but was a no-go for me this fourth dimension around.

No rating

I got thru, barely, 25% and had to merely wasn't to my liking at all:( I really enjoyed another book from this author just this was non for me from the writing, the storyline (could take been improve) to the characters, etc..... it just was a no-get for me this time around.

My Pink Fairytales

T.Fifty. Swan did it again. She created yet another story nigh a totally super hot alpha male and a quite strong lady, who are utterly, madly in dear. If you want to read about the absolute kind of beloved, read T.Fifty. Swan.
There's drama, activity (messed upwards things Kristen Ashley style) and tons of love that doesn't come that like shooting fish in a barrel. I rolled my optics a lot and their struggle to exist together, and so I was a little torn between rating this book iv or five*, just in the stop I decided i loved it enough for a

I LOVED Information technology!

T.50. Swan did it once more. She created still some other story virtually a totally super hot blastoff male and a quite potent lady, who are utterly, madly in love. If you desire to read about the accented kind of love, read T.L. Swan.
There's drama, action (messed up things Kristen Ashley manner) and tons of love that doesn't come that like shooting fish in a barrel. I rolled my optics a lot and their struggle to be together, so I was a little torn betwixt rating this volume 4 or 5*, but in the finish I decided i loved it enough for a five*. :)

I'm happy this is the first volume I read this yr. I hope all the others following this one volition be just equally corking or better. :)

taveena kade
Nov xi, 2019 rated information technology did not like it
DNF @ 62%

My god Bridget is such a bitch and she has to always go her mode. If it was something small-scale I wouldn't care every bit much but if you read the book you'll see that what she wanted was outrageous!!

Romance Rehab
February 13, 2018 rated it did not like information technology
Liked the blurb, liked the embrace, so I thought I'd give it a attempt. So, I'k reading along, and information technology'southward not atrocious. It's not really peachy, either, though. There'south a lot of telling instead of showing, but I effigy I'll get to at least 15% of the story before I pull the plug, simply and then I tin say I gave information technology a fair chance. Maybe it'll become improve, I'chiliad thinking. At present, at two%, the hero has just broken up with the heroine (for her own proficient, of form--as is constabulary in Alphahole Land). She decides that as a concluding goodby Liked the blurb, liked the embrace, so I idea I'd give information technology a endeavour. So, I'm reading along, and information technology's non awful. Information technology'southward not really bully, either, though. There's a lot of telling instead of showing, but I figure I'll go to at least 15% of the story before I pull the plug, just so I tin say I gave it a fair chance. Maybe it'll get better, I'm thinking. Now, at ii%, the hero has just broken upwardly with the heroine (for her ain good, of course--every bit is police in Alphahole Land). She decides that equally a final goodbye, she wants to take sexual activity with him one more fourth dimension. I'thou rolling my eyes and side-eyeing the heroine pretty hard at this point, simply withal I program to go to 15% before I give up. Then I read this line:

"Fill up me up, big boy. Brand sure I never forget you lot."

And…I'grand out. I'm out with extreme prejudice. I'm going to go take a hot shower and wash the ew and ick off my peel now...

Not bothering to review on the blog:

...more than
Jan 25, 2018 rated it it was amazing
My discussion, this book! I beloved TL's writing with a passion so information technology'south really something when I say that this book is her best yet. Ben and Bridget are my favourite characters out of all the couples in the series so far, I connected with them so much. Ben is a strong, brooding, alpha, sexy hot S African with plenty of secrets who'due south led a hard unsafe life. Bridget is a confident, sassy, strong, gorgeous Aussie who feels just like she could be your all-time friend. This book will keep you lot on the edge of My word, this book! I love TL's writing with a passion and then information technology's really something when I say that this book is her all-time even so. Ben and Bridget are my favourite characters out of all the couples in the series so far, I connected with them and so much. Ben is a strong, brooding, blastoff, sexy hot South African with plenty of secrets who's led a difficult dangerous life. Bridget is a confident, sassy, potent, gorgeous Aussie who feels just like she could be your best friend. This volume will proceed y'all on the border of your seat with drama, twists and turns and plenty of sexy moments. Although this is role of a series, TL has written it in a way that y'all could selection upward this book and read as a standalone, although be warned, if you lot do this you will then want to then go back and read the remainder!! I admittedly recommend y'all one clicking this, it'due south vivid, yous won't want to put information technology down! ...more
Lana Reads
Feb 15, 2020 rated information technology actually liked it
4,5 stars ☀️

The hero will brand you lot angry at times, specially in the outset. In that location are some inconsistencies and annoying repetitions through the book, some errors that could have been easily corrected by a good proofreader... Simply if you lot get past those, the book gets better. I'm a sucker for tortured heroes and complicated pasts that have to be overcome by the characters.
I was quite annoyed when the heroine told all her family virtually heroe's trauma when she knew he spoke to no one about it. On

4,5 stars ☀️

The hero will make you lot angry at times, peculiarly in the start. There are some inconsistencies and abrasive repetitions through the book, some errors that could accept been easily corrected past a good proofreader... Just if you get past those, the volume gets better. I'k a sucker for tortured heroes and complicated pasts that have to be overcome past the characters.
I was quite annoyed when the heroine told all her family unit nigh heroe'south trauma when she knew he spoke to no one about it. On the other mitt, I could somewhat understand why she did that...

Then for me personally, this volume redeemed itself and I got past the outset annoyances, warmed up to the characters and realized the story was not only about the human relationship drama. Information technology took an interesting plow of events in the middle, so I was not disappointed.

Plus, it was hot. And then yes, I liked it.

Qubra Modak
January 24, 2018 rated it it was amazing
100000000000000 stars! Omg TL y'all promise to deliver and what happens?!? Nosotros go a smoking hot alpha male that knows what he wants!
Ben and Didge had a surreptitious love affair and and then he leaves! v years later he comes dorsum because why? HE LOVES BRIDGET MARX!DUH!
Watch their story unfold and find out why he left and how he warms his way back into her middle(not that he ever left)
This is written in true TL Swan way...laughs, tears,omg moments, and high five moments and weird looks from people walking pa
100000000000000 stars! Omg TL you promise to evangelize and what happens?!? We go a smoking hot alpha male that knows what he wants!
Ben and Didge had a secret dear thing and then he leaves! 5 years after he comes dorsum considering why? HE LOVES BRIDGET MARX!DUH!
Picket their story unfold and discover out why he left and how he warms his style dorsum into her eye(not that he ever left)
This is written in true TL Swan manner...laughs, tears,omg moments, and high five moments and weird looks from people walking past or tissues being thrown at your face up because you lot accept snot running! Yeah! Like Ben would say...
Jun 22, 2018 rated information technology it was amazing
What a ride!!!

From the commencement we know that Ben loves Bridget. And Bridget loves Ben, but afterwards five years Bridget has constitute another boyfriend, Eric. This story was a roller coaster ride. And so very angsty. I laughed. I cried. I loved this volume!

I can't await to start reading about the men of Marx Investigations, which is headed upwardly past Bridget's brother Brock.

What a ride!!!

From the start we know that Ben loves Bridget. And Bridget loves Ben, but later 5 years Bridget has found another boyfriend, Eric. This story was a roller coaster ride. Then very angsty. I laughed. I cried. I loved this volume!

I can't wait to start reading near the men of Marx Investigations, which is headed upwardly by Bridget's brother Brock.

Jul 17, 2020 rated it really liked it
I enjoyed the story and it kept me interested but I hate loose ends in books and the cop boyfriend she was dating in the beginning went no where this was frustrating he was even mentioned a few times later on on just once again it only went no where why bring him up and so if he has no real role in the story.
Jan 29, 2018 rated information technology did not like it
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. unforttunately.... This was a DNF for me. This volume sounded then skillful! I wanted to try a new to me author. But... It just wasn't meant to be.
I made it to 52% and I'm just not connecting to these main characters.

Ben leaves for v years... to protect Bridget. Then he just pops upwardly wanting to be back with Bridget! Messing upward her life. And during those 5 years... he'south with other women but even so thinking of her while laying with other women.

Yeah... No!

Then we have Bridget... going dorsum to Ben like nothi

unforttunately.... This was a DNF for me. This book sounded and so practiced! I wanted to try a new to me author. But... Information technology only wasn't meant to be.
I made it to 52% and I'm merely not connecting to these main characters.

Ben leaves for five years... to protect Bridget. Then he only pops up wanting to be back with Bridget! Messing upwardly her life. And during those 5 years... he's with other women but all the same thinking of her while laying with other women.

Yes... No!

And then we take Bridget... going back to Ben like null. She over looks everything just because she wants him so bad.


I just tin't! Books like these drive me crazy. Plus I had no clue that there were other books that tie in with this book. So it say's it's a standalone. Only, I remember you need to read the other books in this series to fully empathize what's going on with everyone in this book. (side characters)

*ARC provided for an honest review.*

January 25, 2018 rated it it was amazing
Marx Girl the story of Bridget Marx and Ben Stratham what an amazing journey you are taken on through out this book laughter, tears and some sexy hot as hell moments. All the Stanton crew are in this and accept you laughing at their banter. I tin can honestly say TL Swan just gets better and better with every volume that she delivers never disappoints and always leave me with a book hangover. This is a definite must read.
February 27, 2019 rated it it was amazing
I loved it!!! Information technology was an excellent read ..I didn't want it to end!! I loved Ben from the start....
Another book of T.L.Swan that had everything a wonderful tale needs to have!
I loved it!!! It was an excellent read ..I didn't want it to end!! I loved Ben from the start....
Some other volume of T.Fifty.Swan that had everything a wonderful tale needs to have!
I really did enjoy this. I loved the angst and drama within this book.

However the reason I didn't give it 5 stars was considering of how much both of the characters bellyaching me.

The hero, outset of all comes back after 5 years afterward leaving the heroine and expects her to just run back in his arms. And gets pissed at her.

I also hate how he didn't call up he needed to requite an caption for why he left similar wtf lol

And the heroine annoyed me one time because the hero had told her something nigh his fa

I really did enjoy this. I loved the angst and drama within this volume.

Still the reason I didn't give it 5 stars was because of how much both of the characters annoyed me.

The hero, first of all comes back after 5 years subsequently leaving the heroine and expects her to just run dorsum in his artillery. And gets pissed at her.

I also hate how he didn't call up he needed to give an explanation for why he left like wtf lol

And the heroine annoyed me one fourth dimension considering the hero had told her something about his family that he never tells anyone and then I feel like she merely went and told anybody. Similar seriously?

Only autonomously from those points I really did enjoy this i. Nevertheless I would say this is my to the lowest degree favourite TL swan book.

...more than
M. Marie Walker
Adrenaline Pumping, Emotional Rollercoaster!

Marx girl is one for the books! T L Swan takes y'all on a course that's filled with adrenaline verses emotion verses intimacy and sorrow, then dorsum all over again....Geez, the writer had me pacing the floors! Ben was a man that was stiff, dedicated and loyal, who only happened to be damaged. His faithfulness, his protectiveness, his love for Bridget was nothing I accept ever witnessed before... Not to mention the hot, rough, Dominant sex🔥! With all of the

Adrenaline Pumping, Emotional Rollercoaster!

Marx girl is one for the books! T 50 Swan takes you on a course that'southward filled with adrenaline verses emotion verses intimacy and sorrow, and so dorsum all over once more....Geez, the author had me pacing the floors! Ben was a man that was strong, dedicated and loyal, who just happened to exist damaged. His faithfulness, his protectiveness, his love for Bridget was goose egg I take e'er witnessed before... Not to mention the hot, rough, Dominant sex activity🔥! With all of the highs and lows in this roller coaster of a story, I almost shed tears. This is a book that I highly HIGHLY recommend. You will Not be disappointed!

...more than
Mar 21, 2018 rated information technology liked it
Ben is a family bodyguard who broke Bridget's heart when he left without an explanation five years earlier. He did it to protect her, and now he'due south come dorsum to become his girl.

I liked Ben okay simply never understand what he saw in Bridget. That girl is twenty-seven years erstwhile and could give whatever xiii year old a run for the money. She is constantly screaming and throwing major childlike tantrums. She'due south isn't quite as bad in one case you get past the first quarter of the volume, but she isn't skillful either. Br

Ben is a family bodyguard who broke Bridget'due south center when he left without an explanation five years earlier. He did it to protect her, and now he'due south come up back to get his girl.

I liked Ben okay but never understand what he saw in Bridget. That girl is twenty-7 years quondam and could give whatsoever thirteen year former a run for the money. She is constantly screaming and throwing major artless tantrums. She'south isn't quite every bit bad once you go past the get-go quarter of the book, just she isn't skilful either. Bridget doesn't listen, she assumes the worst and runs off without thinking. When Ben finally explains his reasons for leaving, she throws it in his face and leaves him. Once more! The reason is important and her actions show how selfish and egotistical she is.

The catastrophe was better, but by so I wasn't a Bridget fan at all and wanted Ben to motion on and observe someone sweeter.

French Press Bookworm Blog
3ish stars

I wanted to honey this one. Just in that location was merely then much that bewitched me and that was off. Ben oh Ben so much to honey but at the aforementioned time so much that didn't make sense. Ane minute you have this hard blastoff who claims his adult female and the other the same homo not human being enough... then Bridget and her very very fickle mind. Ane minute she's hot and the other she's cold. The constant back and forth in her thoughts were hard to keep upwardly with.. that being said I loved the ending. It gave me all the iron

3ish stars

I wanted to dearest this i. Simply there was just so much that bugged me and that was off. Ben oh Ben and so much to beloved but at the same fourth dimension so much that didn't brand sense. One infinitesimal you take this difficult alpha who claims his woman and the other the same man not homo enough... and so Bridget and her very very fickle heed. I minute she's hot and the other she'southward cold. The constant back and forth in her thoughts were difficult to keep upward with.. that being said I loved the ending. It gave me all the feels!!

...more than
Dec xviii, 2021 rated it it was astonishing
if this book was a song, it would exist dress by taylor swift, and who doesn't beloved that song?

never thought i'd exist into army(ish) romance but hell.

A Book Lover's Emporium Book Blog
Oh this book!! Does this writer always compose a book you don't fall in honey with? As expected the writing is perfection and the second chance beloved story is e'er a favourite of mine.

When Ben (hot, gorgeous, ascendant Ben) re-appears in Bridget's life afterwards leaving her heartbroken five years previous with no explanation every bit to why he left her, she is seriously mad as hell. She has a new life and a new love. How dare he re-enter her life, crusade bug and make her heart shell only that lilliputian bit f

Oh this book!! Does this author ever compose a book yous don't autumn in honey with? Every bit expected the writing is perfection and the 2nd hazard love story is always a favourite of mine.

When Ben (hot, gorgeous, dominant Ben) re-appears in Bridget's life after leaving her heartbroken 5 years previous with no explanation equally to why he left her, she is seriously mad as hell. She has a new life and a new love. How dare he re-enter her life, crusade problems and make her centre shell only that little bit faster just like it used to for him! Bridget is determined and merely like the maxim goes; hell hath no fury like a woman scorned - watch out Ben!!

Ben is this confident, gorgeous, sexy dominant hunk of a man that I cruel in love with instantly, but he has demons and secrets that are hidden deep inside, merely one thing he knows for sure. He wants Bridget and he ways to re-woo her - but at what cost?

I actually like Bridget's character; she is feisty and has a mouth on her, but she is loyal and has a expert heart.

A dollop of humour and a big spoonful of romance with lots of suprising twists and turns along the mode. I certainly never expected them, it makes this book just perfection. An absolute MUST read!!!

...more than
Robyn Corcoran
TL Swan is an author who e'er writes top quality stories and never fails to entertain her readers, this story is a joy to read.

This is the story of Ben Statham and Bridget Marx, he is the bodyguard for her brother-in-police force but this didn't stop the attraction betwixt the two and how they acted once they recognised their attraction. And so nothing..Ben closes himself off from Bridget..leaving for five years!

The chemical science they shared was flaming carmine,hot and passionate and after five years the flames

TL Swan is an author who always writes top quality stories and never fails to entertain her readers, this story is a joy to read.

This is the story of Ben Statham and Bridget Marx, he is the bodyguard for her brother-in-law just this didn't stop the allure between the 2 and how they acted once they recognised their attraction. Then aught..Ben closes himself off from Bridget..leaving for five years!

The chemical science they shared was flaming crimson,hot and passionate and after five years the flames are still high enough to burn! Both affection and and a magnetic pull toward each other makes information technology difficult for Bridget when Ben turns upwardly again. The story is told by both Ben and Bridget giving readers the opportunity to feel the emotions they are going through and proceeds a deeper understanding of their characters.

The suspense aspect of the story gets your middle racing at times and certainly adds to the story immensely. Aslope is the humour in the story that has y'all chuckling out loud, well it did for me! Besides there are tears, I'chiliad not going to lie, at that place were some gut wrenching tears too!

Another sensational story in this series!

January 29, 2018 rated it it was amazing
I'm so giving this book 5 ⭐️ but for the sheer fact that I adore everything that i have read by T 50!! This volume was and so funny and sweet and distressing and I loved BEN!!!!!!! These folks that say it was like they were both "bipolar" and gave it a semi ok review....all I got to say is opinions are like assholes everybody has one! He is such and Alpha and she is just crazy funny!! I didn't blame either i of them for acting the mode they did! Abbie is only freakin hilarious and I so need her to accept a boo I'chiliad so giving this volume v ⭐️ just for the sheer fact that I admire everything that i take read by T Fifty!! This book was so funny and sweet and sad and I loved BEN!!!!!!! These folks that say it was like they were both "bipolar" and gave it a semi ok review....all I got to say is opinions are similar assholes everybody has one! He is such and Alpha and she is just crazy funny!! I didn't arraign either one of them for acting the fashion they did! Abbie is just freakin hilarious and I and then need her to have a book!!! This was just fanfreakintastic!! Loved information technology!!!!!!!! All of these books about this family unit are correct up in that location in the acme spots for some of my faves!!!! So well written with splendid plots, EXPLOSIVE SEX🔥and true love with swoon worthy men and HEA's!!! The women are astonishing and funny and stiff and have such a bail! I can't say enough about this!!! So so skillful!!!!!! ...more than

I'm a Psychology student, wife and female parent of three based in cute Sydney Australia. I work for the Australian Schizophrenia Fellowship.I have ever wanted to write, but life had got in the manner. I was always too busy, too tired, too unsure of my talent. Terminal twelvemonth I finally woke upwards took the plunge and I am eternally grateful that I did. I am now happily addicted to my writing and love bringing

I'one thousand a Psychology student, wife and female parent of 3 based in beautiful Sydney Australia. I piece of work for the Australian Schizophrenia Fellowship.I have always wanted to write, only life had got in the way. I was ever as well busy, also tired, as well unsure of my talent. Last year I finally woke up took the plunge and I am eternally grateful that I did. I am at present happily fond to my writing and love bringing the sexy stories from my caput to life with my beautiful characters.

My aim is to write tender, steamy, romantic love stories that stay with you long after yous close the volume.

Love and friendship

Tee xx


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