Please Try Again From the Team Settings Page in Trello

Trello - Troubleshooting

Are yous experiencing an issue with the TeamGantt Power-Upwards for Trello? If then, bank check the listing below to run across if there's a workaround that might help.

My TeamGantt project is not syncing with Trello.

Existing TeamGantt tasks that were created prior to syncing with Trello won't automatically sync to your Trello lath.

A workaround for pushing existing tasks to your synced Trello board is by duplicating the job/group of tasks then deleting the originals from your TeamGantt project. Any duplicated tasks will be considered new tasks, and parallel cards volition be created in Trello.

I'one thousand having trouble accessing my TeamGantt projection via the Power-Up.

Here are a few quick things to check!

one. Information technology's pretty common to be invited to more than TeamGantt business relationship (especially factoring in free trial accounts). Be sure that you're logging into the Power-Upward with the same verbal login credentials that you use to access that project in TeamGantt.

ii. Y'all must be an Admin on the Trello board to manage the Power-Upward. Yous can check this in your board's settings.

3. If someone else created the project in TeamGantt and want you to exist able to encounter information technology, they must invite yous to the projection. If you but add the Power-Up to your lath, you will non exist able to meet that specific projection.

How do I invite other people to my project?

The Power-Up is user-specific, significant that if y'all enable it on a board, the other users on your board volition not automatically be able to come across and access it.

To get other users in the loop, you lot must first log into your account via At that place you can invite other people to your projection in TeamGantt (here'south how). When y'all invite a person, we'll ship them an email to gear up login credentials and admission the project.

Then, they must enable the TeamGantt Power-Upward on the board in their account by adding the Power-Up and logging in with their sparkly new TeamGantt credentials.

My cards are not showing upwardly in my TeamGantt project.

When a card is sent to a TeamGantt project, an associated task is created for information technology, and the carte in Trello should get an attachment representing the associated task. You should see the following card badges when the process works properly:

If those badges don't show upwardly, try adding the card to a TeamGantt projection manually past opening a carte du jour in Trello, and using the TeamGantt push in the card back sidebar.

If you get an error when manually sending a card to TeamGantt, consult the remainder of this guide for assistance, or achieve out to us at for further back up.

I got this error message: "TeamGantt was unable fetch the specified card from Trello."

If y'all see this fault when trying to add a Trello bill of fare to a projection in TeamGantt, it'south the outcome of an invalid authorization token. Please attain out to us at, and we'll exist happy to reset your token for y'all. If you've manually removed TeamGantt from the list of authorized applications in Trello, please include that in your support asking.

Once that'south done, you'll need to perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Trello Power-Up menu, and notice the TeamGantt Ability-Up.
  2. Select Remove Personal Settings from the Ability-Upwardly cog carte du jour.
  3. Select Become started with TeamGantt from the pinnacle of the board, and sign into TeamGantt again.
  4. Open the Potency pop-upwards, which grants TeamGantt access to update your Trello cards for y'all (for board/project sync).

Nosotros're working with Trello to sympathise the crusade of these invalid tokens and to avoid the circumstances that lead to storing them.

I want to sync my lath to a new project in TeamGantt.

Synced with the incorrect project or finished i and set up to sync with the next? Hither'due south how to choose a new projection to sync with.

  1. If yous'd like to start with a blank slate —Log into your account at and create a new blank project. (If you're on the Gratis version of TeamGantt, you can just have one agile project at a time, so you'll demand to delete or marker your existing project every bit Complete outset.)
  2. Go to the TeamGantt Power-Up settings and set up the Sync With Projection to "None".
  3. Select the Reset lath link.
  4. Choose a new project to sync with.


I want to sync my menu to a dissimilar project in TeamGantt.

Each Trello bill of fare can simply be linked to a single project in TeamGantt. If your menu is already linked to TeamGantt but you desire to link it to a different project, you lot'll need to remove the existing card link first. If yous're syncing your entire lath with a projection and desire to change the selected project, you'll need to unlink each menu earlier the sync process sends information technology to the newly selected project.

You lot tin remove the link between the menu and project just by deleting the associated task in TeamGantt. If you tin't detect the task, a simple mode of doing this is to select Unlink at the pinnacle of the TeamGantt Chore section on the card dorsum. You will exist given the option to delete the associated TeamGantt task when unlinking the Trello card. After the link is broken, you should then be able to sync the card to a project once more.

I want to remove the TeamGantt Power-Up from Trello.

You can hands remove the Ability-up from your board by going to Menu > Ability-Ups in Trello, just note that this volition but remove your ability to run across TeamGantt carte du jour badges and editable job sections on your carte back. It does not automatically disable syncing.

To disable syncing, start by opening the TeamGantt Power-up settings screen ( Menu > TeamGantt > Edit Ability-Up Settings) and selecting None from the Sync With Project dropdown. This volition prevent new tasks in your TeamGantt project from beingness added as cards here.

Additionally, yous can revoke TeamGantt'southward admission to your Trello boards by clicking on your profile image in Trello (top-right) > Settings > Applications, and clicking the Revoke push next to TeamGantt. This will preclude TeamGantt from automatically making whatever changes to your Trello cards on your behalf. If y'all're on a team, other team members may have to practise the same to preclude data syncing.

If I re-create a carte du jour in Trello, why isn't a new chore created in TeamGantt?

The link to TeamGantt is stored as a card attachment. If you copy a card yous are also copying the attachment. Therefore, copying the card volition not create a new TeamGantt task.

The way around this is to make certain that "Attachments" is deselected when you copy a card:

My Trello card isn't showing the TeamGantt job details.

If your card is linked to TeamGantt (indicated by the presence of the bluecoat icon on the card), simply non showing any details when you open the card, it may be due to your browser's cookie settings.

If y'all encounter this (less the emoji):

Verify that,, are allowed to store cookies on your browser. Some browsers, like Chrome, volition allow yous to enable all TeamGantt subdomains with [*.]

Here are some links to browser-specific manufactures on managing cookies.

  • Chrome :
  • Internet Explorer: https://back states/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies
  • Firefox:
  • Safari: https://back

I tin can't set up the sync (using Safari).

There is a setting in Safari Privacy preferences that is blocking Trello from saving the cookies for the TeamGantt dominance. Its called "Foreclose cross-site tracking" and it needs to exist unchecked for the Power-Upwardly to work. Try unchecking that, and see if it works!

Have other questions most our Trello Power-Upward? Just email! Or cheque out 1 of our other articles nearly Trello:

  • TeamGantt Power-Up for Trello
  • Trello - Sync Options
  • Syncing Trello List Progress with TeamGantt

To learn more nigh using TeamGantt and Trello together, join us for our free form!


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